Brain Aneurysms.
This is where a blood vessel in your brain develops a leak and blood pours into the brain, which is not good for you. Brains only like blood in a very controlled feed, leaks from broken plumbing are very bad for you. My father died from an aneurysm, and possibly they are hereditary on the male line of my family.
Mine burst on the 28th Jan. I felt a little funny, like there was a bubble in my head initially, then it started to hurt. My partner is a very sound sleeper and she was on the lounge doing that when my attack started. I managed to get off 3 cries for help, each more desperate before collapsing, and fortunately she heard the last. She acted perfectly, immediate ambulance call and inspection to make sure I could breath. The ambulance arrived in less than 5 minutes. Time with aneurysms, like with heart attacks, is of the essence.
So I awoke in an ICU bed at the locale hospital with and new collection of staples forming a lovely half circle in my skull, but I was alive, which is a very good result. Better, I was mostly lucid and all my body parts were mostly doing what I asked of them, so apparently I had not suffered any permanent brain damage. I was amazingly lucky.
To cut a long story short, I was in hospital and then in a Brain Rehabilitation Unit for a total of 7 weeks while they tried to ensure my recovery, and if I had suffered any lingering damage. During that period they were using quite a few strong drugs, one of which, vancomycin, had an unexpected side effect that caused my brain to start overheating, getting over 40.3 degrees at one point. This is not a good thing.
Despite all that I have recovered, and today I was discharged, certified healthy, provisionally. I have a new sensitivity to sound, and I get tired a little quickly, but all in all these things will fade as I get some exercise and time under my belt. It is not an experience I would recommend, long stays in hospital are extremely boring, and you tend to suffer sleep deprivation in public wards.
I cannot express my appreciation to the staff of the two hospitals who looked after me enough, they were wonderful. The nurses were exceptional. The same goes to my friends who rallied around to support me and my partner during a very trying time, they too were also amazing. And needless to say my love to my partner who saved my life and has been with me all the time.
I am home now. I have been lying in my own bed again, which is glorious. I have had a slice of vegemite toast, which is ridiculously fantastic (its the small things you miss), and I am absurdly happy.
So if some of you have been wondering where I have been for 7 weeks, that's the story. I am eager to get back into my regular rpg sessions, anything to stimulate my brain. Things are generally pretty good.
Kevin Flynn